Annual Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Transparency Statement 2020
This Modern Slavery Transparency Statement has been approved by the Board of Qatar National Bank (Q.P.S.C.) (the “Bank’”), in compliance with section 54 of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the ”Act”).
QNB Group is an international financial institution incorporated and headquartered in the State of Qatar. The Bank operates through branches, subsidiaries and representative offices throughout the world, including a branch in London, UK.
In compliance with the Act, QNB offers the following statement regarding its efforts to prevent slavery and human trafficking in its supply chains and recognises its responsibility to respect and uphold human rights.
QNB’s Policy relating to slavery and human trafficking
So far as the Bank’s business is concerned, we only recruit employees after ensuring that they are legally permitted to work in the country for which they are being employed and comply at all times in accordance with local laws, rules and regulations, including the National Minimum Wage Regulations in the UK for the London Branch.
The Bank has a Whistleblowing and grievance procedures, through which employees can escalate any concerns including those relating to slavery and human trafficking.
Due Diligence Process
We partner with suppliers, customers and organizations whose ethical principles align with our own, and expect them to operate a fair and ethical work place.
Whistleblowing training is provided to all staff, periodically, along with training in respect of Anti Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing.
The Statement is signed by the Group Chief Executive Officer and Group Chief Compliance Officer on 23 November 2020.