Apple Pay online payment for merchants

Apple Pay acceptance: The easiest way to pay through mobile app or the web

QNB offers modern eCommerce by ensuring smooth and secure online solutions. Merchants can now allow customers to use their Apple Wallets to effortlessly pay on their website or through their mobile app. With a single scan, using Face ID or Touch ID, customers can make purchases which are quicker, easier, and more secure than traditional credit, debit or other payment methods available.

The online Apple Pay option allows customers with Apple accounts to pay on the merchant payment page without the need for fill any forms, creating another account, or even having to use their cards for online registration.


  • Features:
  • Advanced payment capability through accepting Apply Pay online
  • Highly secure process and faster checkout experience for clients to increase online sales
  • Opportunity to grow business with unified platform
  • Increase sales by adopting advanced technology

How to Apply:

  • Open a QNB bank account
  • Complete the Merchant Application form and provide the following documents:
  • Valid Commercial Registration copy
  • Valid ID copy of the authorized signatory
  • Valid Commercial Certificate copy (municipality)
  • Copy of company establishment IDs

Contact  QNB Merchant Acquiring Team via email merchant.acquiring@qnb.com or  QNB Call Centre  at 44407777.

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